Questions frequently asked...
Can I come along and attend a few classes before I join?
You are welcome to visit any of the Open sessions at the Painting Place at 51 Thornton Road, Cambridge.
People are usually in attendance Monday – Friday between 9.30am – 3.30pm. You can participate in these sessions for one month prior to joining. The exception to this is when paid lessons are taking place. Refer to our 'Studio programme' for further details www.cambridgeartsociety/programme.
What is the process for joining CAS?
Once you have decided that you would like to join CAS there are three ways you can do this:
1. Complete a printed application form (kept at the Painting Place) take it home and scan and email the form to our administrator at cambridgeartsociety@gmailcom and pay online into our bank account: 03 1568 0041379 00. Please use your name and Subs as the reference.
2. Leave the completed form in the application box at The Painting Place which is in our clubroom and pay by Eftpos.(There is a little black notebook to record your Eftpos subs payment.)
3. Fill in the form online on our website and pay your subs directly into our bank account. 03 1568 0041379 00. Please use your name and Subs as the reference.
We will acknowledge that we have received your application, by email.
Do I need to live in Cambridge to be a member of CAS?
No. The majority of our members live in the Cambridge area, but there are no restrictions on location.
Are there age restrictions to join CAS?
There are no age restrictions for joining CAS.
Any application from a person under the age of 14 must include a signed declaration from the parents/guardian, any one of which may accompany (and be responsible for) the applicant when at The Painting Place or CAS event.
The subscription amount will be the same as for an adult subscription.
Conditions of membership will be the same as for an adult membership.
When do I need to pay my fees?
Fees should be paid when you complete your application form and submit it.
How much are the fees?
Our financial year runs from 1 January to 31 December. Fees must be paid by 31 March of that year. The fees are $60 for a full year or $30 if you are joining after 1 September.
Are the weekly sessions tutored?
Most of our weekly sessions are untutored. Members usually work on a project in the medium of their choice, but our members are happy to give helpful suggestions if you want them to. Online tutorials are available to view on YouTube.
Can I exhibit at Expo?
To enter the Exhibitions you must be a financial member. There are detailed instructions that are sent out before this event. You need to complete the registration form before registration closes and pay the entry fee. You must follow the hanging and labelling instructions that are provided prior to the event and turn up at the venue on the day at the correct time.
Can I exhibit at Art in the Park?
To exhibit at Art in the Park you must be a financial member. Dates and times are advertised in our newsletter.
How do I find out what sessions are on each week?
The programme/calendar for the month is in the newsletter, on display on the noticeboard at the Painting Place and online on the website. https://www.cambridgeartsociety/programme.
How do I find out about workshops are on?
The workshops are advertised on our website at https://www.cambridgeartsociety/workshops
Also in the newsletter, and on display on the noticeboard at the Painting Place. You need to register for workshops and pay the fees associated with them.
I am not sure how I can help CAS because I am newbie. Please can you clarify?
At CAS everyone’s contribution is valued and there is an expectation that all our members will assist CAS in some way. There are lots of ways that members help.
Here are some suggestions:
Join one of our Committees
Help with Social Media or the Website
Bake a plate of food for an event
Help at Exhibitions
Help at Art in the Park
Help at the Annual Working Bee
Teach a Workshop
Help with cleaning the rooms
Look after our library